Beginners Fundamentals Course

Sunday 13th October

The Beginners Fundamentals Course is specifically for beginners (without a belt), Dragons with blue belt black stripes and white belts.

Attending this course will advance student’s one step closer to being able to grade for their next belt in April.

Before student’s are able to grade, you will require your confirmation from your instructor that they think you are ready.  Students without a belt will receive an invitation to grade via letter from their instructor while students with belts will need to be awarded 3 tags on their belt to grade. All applications to grade should be made online only and should be made before the deadline.

On the day, Instructors will cover fundamentals including the basic stance, the guard and creating a fist.  What is required to meet grading standards, how to prepare for the grading and will explain and demonstrate elements of the grading syllabus.  They will also answer any questions students might have.    An explanation will also be provided of what to expect on the grading day and what instructors are looking for when they are marking grading sheets.

To gain as much of an advantage as possible you should definitely attend.

The course is just £10 per student.

Please book by the 6th of October